2021 Grid Study IV 5.5x4.5x8m Stringybark Snowy Valleys Sculpture Trail - Sugar Pine Forest

2022 Set Square 600x500x350cm Stringybark Snowy Valleys Sculpture Trail, Tumbarumba

2022 Soil Test 170x65x65cm Stringybark Johansen Wines , Tumbarumba - Snowy Valleys Sculpture Trail

2020 Carbon Store - Canal to Creek Westconnex M8 at St Peters Interchange

2020 Tower - Sculpture down the Lachlan, Forbes, NSW

2019 Beacon - Commemorating those from Walcha who have served in any armed conflict following WW II. Collaboration with James Rogers and Michael Purdy. 3mx6mx6m

2019 Beacon Collaboration with James Rogers and Michael Purdy

2019 Beacon Mosaic detail

2018 Line Out - Willow Way Park, McCloy Group

The Folly at Mona Farm Braidwood

2014 Arbour Armidale

2013 Lampada Estate Tamworth

2009 Bryce Laut Memorial Sculpture Works Sea Acres Rainforest Centre Port Macquarie

2009 Bryce Laut Memorial Sculpture Works Sea Acres Rainforest Centre Port Macquarie

2011 Hairy Man - Crossroads Hotel, Narrabri

2007 Sydney Polo Club Richmond

2007 Sydney Polo Club Richmond

2005 The Lookout Longyard Estate Tamworth

2004 Harry's Caravan Shelleys Beach Port Macquarie

2004 Harry Thompson Shelleys Beach Port Macquarie

2004 Harry's Caravan Shellys Beach Port Macquarie

2002 Harry's Lookout Port Macquarie

2000 Generation Stick Bancroft Park Roseville

2006 Lynbrook Estate South Melbourne

2000 Petali Entrance Ramp Walcha